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Notes @FutureMe
Main Navigation
Bash useful scripts
Changing crate owner
Configuring VPS on Centos 8
Deleting multiple GitHub workflows
Fedora 35 solid desktop color
Git useful commands
Git server
Installing Docker and Docker Compose
Installing Bison on Linux
Installing Go
Installing Node/NPM/NVM
Installing Taskfile
Nginx Docker registry
Renaming Rust tests
Rust formatter configuration
Rust notes
Static site generators
Taskfile template for Rust projects
Tweaking blockchains
Tweaking GitLab
Updating NPM dependencies
Using pass tool in Fedora
Notes @FutureMe
Bash useful scripts
Changing crate owner
Configuring VPS on Centos 8
Deleting multiple GitHub workflows
Fedora 35 solid desktop color
Git useful commands
Git server
Installing Docker and Docker Compose
Installing Bison on Linux
Installing Go
Installing Node/NPM/NVM
Installing Taskfile
Nginx Docker registry
Renaming Rust tests
Rust formatter configuration
Rust notes
Static site generators
Taskfile template for Rust projects
Tweaking blockchains
Tweaking GitLab
Updating NPM dependencies
Using pass tool in Fedora
Notes I’ll cherish in the future.
Maybe you will as well...
Tweaking DMN?
Try DecisionToolkit
Tweaking smart contracts?
Try DecisionContracts